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founded by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin







Vol.8 No.9 September 6, 1998


Words of Dhamma


Dhammārāmo Dhammarato, dhammaṃ anuvicintayaṃ; dhammaṃ anussaraṃ bhikkhu, saddhammā na parihāyati.


- The bhikkhu who dwells in the Dhamma, who delights in the Dhamma, who meditates on the Dhamma, who well remembers the Dhamma, does not fall away from the sublime Dhamma.


Vol.8 No.8 August 7, 1998


Words of Dhamma


Atha kho bhagava amantesi "handa dani, bhikkhave, amantayami vo, vayadhamma saṅkhara, appamadena sampadetha" ti. Ayaṃ tathagatassa pacchima vaca.


- Then the Exalted One spoke to the monks: "Now, monks, this I say to you: Transient are all created things; strive on untiringly." These were the last words of the Buddha.

Vol.8 No.7 July 9, 1998

Words of Dhamma

Idaṃ pure cittamacāri cārikaṃ, yenicchakaṃ yatthakāmaṃ yathāsukhaṃ. Tadajjahaṃ niggahessāmi yoniso,
hatthippabhinnaṃ viya aṃkusaggaho.


- This mind that wanders wherever it wishes, wherever it desires, wherever it sees pleasure, I will first make it steadfast. I will train it thoroughly like a mahout with a goad trains a wild elephant.


Vol.8 No.6 June 10, 1998


Words of Dhamma


Ciraṃ tiṭṭhatu saddhammo, dhamme hontu sagāravo. Sabbe pi sattā kālena, sammā devo pavassatu.


- May the pure Dhamma endure for a long time. May all people have feelings of reverence and veneration towards Dhamma.
May the god of rain cause rain to fall on all beings at the proper time.


Vol.8 No.5 May 11, 1998


Words of Dhamma


Yo dhammaladdhassa dadāti dānaṃ, uṭṭhānaviriyādhigatassa jantu. Atikkamma so vetaraṇiṃ yamassa, dibbāni ṭhānāni upeti maccho.


- One who gives dāna to a righteous person firmly established on the path of liberation with right effort, crosses the river of Yama (death) and goes to a celestial place.


- Jātaka 1.8.71, Ādittajātaka

Vol.8 No.4 April 11, 1998


Words of Dhamma


Tiṇṇaṃ, bhikkhave, pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṃ. Katamesaṃ tiṇṇaṃ?
Tathāgatassa, bhikkhave, arahato sammā- sambuddhassa pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṃ;
Tathāgatappaveditassa Dhamma-vinayassa desetā puggalo dullabho lokasmiṃ;
Kataññū katavedī puggalo dullabho lokasmiṃ.
Imesaṃ kho, bhikkhave tiṇṇaṃ pātubhāvo dullabho lokasmiṃ"ti.

Vol.8 No.3 March 12, 1998

Words of Dhamma

Leṇatthañca sukhatthañca,
jhāyituñca vipassituṃ.
Vihāradānaṃ saṅghassa,
aggaṃ Buddhena vaṇṇitaṃ.

Tasmā hi paṇḍito poso,
sampassaṃ atthamattano.
Vihāre kāraye ramme,
vāsayettha bahussute.

Vol.8 No.2 February 11, 1998

Words of Dhamma


Nābhinandāmi maraṇaṃ,
nābhinandāmi jīvitaṃ.
Nikkhipissaṃ imaṃ kāyaṃ,
sampajāno paṭissato.

I do not long for death nor do I desire to be alive.
(When the time comes) I shall leave this body
with mindfulness and insight into its impermanent nature at the level of sensation.

Vol.8 No.1 January 12, 1998

Words of Dhamma


Sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā' ti,
Yadā paññāya passati;
Atha nibbindati dukkhe,
Esa maggo visuddhiyā.

Impermanent are all compounded things.
When one perceives this with true insight,
one becomes detached from suffering;
this is the path of purification.

Dhammapada 277


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