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founded by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin







Vol.4 No.2 April, 1994


Words of Dhamma


Tisso ime, bhikkhave, vedana. Katama tisso? Sukha vedana, dukkha vedana, adukkhamasukha vedana. Sukhaya, bhikkhave, vedanaya raganusayo pahatabbo, dukkhaya vedanaya patighanusayo pahatabbo, adukkhamasukhaya vedanaya avijjanusayo pahatabbo.


Vol.4 No.1 January 1994

Words of Dhamma


Sāriputto etadacova: Kimārammaṇā, samiddhi, purisassa saṅkappavitakkā uppajjantī"ti? "Nāmarūpārammaṇā, Bhante"ti.
"Te pana, Samiddhi, kiṃsamosaraṇā"ti? "Vedanāsamosaraṇā, bhante"ti.


Vol.5 No.4 October, 1995


Words of Dhamma


Yato-yato sammasati khandhanam udayabbayam labhati piti-pamojjam,- amatam tam vijanatam.


- Whenever and wherever one encounters the arising and passing awayof the mental-physical structure, one enjoys bliss and delight, (which lead on to) the deathless stage experienced by the wise.


Vol.5 No.3 July, 1995


Words of Dhamma


Sabbadānaṃ dhammadānaṃ jināti, sabbarasaṃ dhammaraso jināti. Sabbaratiṃ dhammarati jināti, taṇhakkhayo sabbadukkhaṃ jināti.


Vol.5 No.2 April, 1995


Words of Dhamma


Daṇḍeneke damayanti, aṅkusehi kasāhi ca; Adaṇḍena asetthena—ahaṃ dantomhi tādinā.


- There are some that tame with beatings, Some with goads and some with lashes; One who has neither rod nor weapon—I am tamed by such as he.


- Majjhima Nikāya II, 105

Vol.6 No.3 July, 1996


Words of Dhamma


Kamacchando ca byāpādo, thīnamiddhañca bhikkhuno, Udhacchaṃ vicikicchā ca, sabbaso' va na vijjati.


- Sensual craving, hatred, sloth and torpor, agitation, and doubt - in this monk, these exist no more.


- Theragāthā 77

Vol.6 No.1/2 January/April, 1996

Words of Dhamma


Mettāvihārī yo bhikkhu pasanno buddhasāsane adhigacche padaṃ santaṃ saṅkhārūpasamaṃ sukhaṃ.


-The bhikkhu, who dwells in loving-kindness and is devoted to the Teaching of the Buddha, attains to that state of peace and happiness (Nibbāna)–the stilling of conditioned things.


Vol.7 No.9 December 14, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Yatha'pi rahado gambhiro vippasanno anavilo Evam Dhammani sutvana vippasidanti pandita.


- Just as a deep lake is clear and still, after listening to the Dhamma, the wise become serene.


- Dhammapada 82

Vol.7 No.8 November 14, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Katame dve puggala dullabha lokasmim? Yo ca pubbakari, Yo ca katannu katavedi.


- Which two persons are rare in this world? First, the one who serves others selflessly (without expecting anything in return).
And second, the one who is grateful towards anyone who does one a kindness.


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