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founded by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin






My Teacher’s Boundless Mettā

Vol.6 No.1/2 January/April, 1996

Words of Dhamma


Mettāvihārī yo bhikkhu pasanno buddhasāsane adhigacche padaṃ santaṃ saṅkhārūpasamaṃ sukhaṃ.


-The bhikkhu, who dwells in loving-kindness and is devoted to the Teaching of the Buddha, attains to that state of peace and happiness (Nibbāna)–the stilling of conditioned things.


-Dhammapada 368

My Teacher’s Boundless Mettā

- by S. N. Goenka


Sayagyi was the epitome of compassion and loving-kindness. Although deeply engrossed in official duties, he was full of enthusiasm for giving Dhamma service to the maximum number of people. He taught Dhamma to any person who approached him, even if it caused him much inconvenience. Sometimes he would hold a course for even one or two students, and would exert as much effort for them as for a large number. His mind remained suffused in love for every student. They seemed like sons and daughters to him. Only three days before he passed away, he completed a course. And until the day before his demise, he was still teaching Dhamma.



Year / Month: 
January, 1996