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founded by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin







Vol.7 No.8 October, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Araddhaviriye pahitatte, niccam dalhaparakkame. Samagge savake passa, etam buddhanavandanam.


- I see the meditators all together, steadfast, resolute, always exerting strong effort; this is the proper way to pay homage to the Buddhas.


Vol.7 No.7 September, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Dhammo have rakkhati dhammacarim, dhammo sucinṇo sukhamavahati. Esanisamso dhamme sucinṇo,
na duggatim gacchati dhammacari.


- Dhamma protects the person who lives a righteous life. When practiced in the right way, Dhamma is beneficial and brings happiness. Such a person is neverborn in a lower plane.


- Theragatha 303, Dhammikatthetagatha

Vol.7 No.6 August, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Tumhehi kiccam atappam, akkhataro tathagata. patipanna pamokkhanti, jhayino mara-bandhana.


- You have to do your own work; The Buddhas only show the way. Those who practice meditation will be released from the chains of death.


- Dhammapada 276, Lokavagga

Vol.7 No.4/5 July 20, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Uttitthe nappamajjeyya, dhammam sucaritam care. Dhammacari sukham seti, asmim loke paramhi ca.


- Arise! Be not heedless. Follow the path of Dhamma. Those who follow Dhamma live happily, through this life and beyond.


-Dhammapada 168, Lokavagga

A Dhamma Decision

- by S. N. Goenka

Vol.7 No.3 May, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Subhasitam uttamamahu santo, Dhammam bhane nadhammam tam dutiyam. Piyam bhane nappiyam tam tatiyam, Saccam bhane nalikam tam catuttham.


-Saints have said: well-spoken words are the best speech. Speaking Dhamma words instead of immoral words is the second best speech. Speaking kindly instead of harshly is the third best speech. Speaking the truth instead of falsehood is the fourth best speech.


Vol.7 No.1 January, 1997


Words of Dhamma


Yassete caturo dhamma,saddhassa gharamesino; Saccam dhammo dhiti cago, sa ve pecca na socati; asma loka param lokam, sa ve pecca na socati.


- The devoted householder in whom the four qualities of truth, morality, contentment, and renunciation are present,
is not distressed by anxiety in this life nor in the next life after death.


- Suttanipata 1.10.8

Vol.8 No.12 December 3, 1998


Words of Dhamma


Namo hi tassa bhagavato, sakyaputtassa sirīmato; tenāyaṃ aggappattena, aggadhammo sudesito.


- Homage to that Blessed One, glorious son of the Sākya clan; who on attaining the supreme state, taught well this foremost teaching.


Vol.8 No.11 November 3, 1998


Words of Dhamma

Phuṭṭhassa lokadhammehi, cittaṃ yassa na kampati; asokaṃ virajaṃ khemaṃ, etaṃ maṅgalamuttamaṃ.


- When faced with life’s vicissitudes, one’s mind is unshaken, free from sorrow, impurity, or fear this is the highest welfare.


- Khuddakapāṭha 5.12, Maṅgalasutta

Vol.8 No.10 October 5, 1998

Words of Dhamma

Uṭṭhānenappamādena, saññamena damena ca; dīpaṃ kayirātha medhāvī, yaṃ ogho n’ābhikīrati.


- By sustained effort, earnestness, discipline, and self-control, let the wise man make for himself an island which no flood overwhelms.


- Dhammapada 25


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