Published as a part of the series by VRI on the 'Great Disciples of the Buddha', this book aims to motivate old students to continue their practice seriously as well as to inspire new students to walk the same path as the exemplary practitioners of Vipassana meditation.
Born into a wealthy brahmin family near Kapilavatthu, Kondanna was highly proficient in three Vedas and was an expert in physiognomy and the science of dream interpretation. At the time of Siddhattha’s birth, he was one of the eight learned Brahmins invited by the King Suddhodana to foretell the future of the newly born Prince. Amongst them, only Kondanna unequivocally proclaimed that the prince would be Buddha and waited for the Prince's renunciation to join him in his quest for enlightenment.
This book narrates the life story of Kondanna, his numerous virtues and his journey with Siddhattha Gautama in search of enlightenment. It also provides details about the Buddha’s first sermon after attaining the Buddhahood (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) and how Kondanna became the first monk to attain the first stage of liberation by the end of the sermon, giving him the name Annasikondanna (Kondanna who realized Dhamma).
This book is ideal for Vipassana meditators as well as non-meditators.