Vipassana: Lokamat Part 1 PDF BOOK * विपश्यना : लोकमत - भाग १ PDF BOOK
The first Vipassana course was conducted in 1969 in India, the country of its origin after a gap of nearly two millennia. After this historical first course, the wheel of Dhamma started rotating incessantly resulting in the phenomenal growth in Vipassana courses and Centres around the world.
People from different walks of life attended these courses and obtained immense benefits. The balanced view of “know yourself, by yourself, for yourself”, as some students call it, helped them to live peacefully and harmoniously with themselves and with others.
Many of these students explored different aspects of this technique for their individual transformation and to help society. Some used it as a reform measure for prisoners and drug addicts, while others used it in corporates and government witnessing increase in efficiency and reduction in stress. They shared their experiences with Vipassana Research Institute (VRI), so that more and more people can benefit from this non-sectarian technique.
VRI has published their experiences in two parts for the welfare of many. This is the first book in this series and it is ideal for Vipassana meditators as well as non-meditators.
The books titled 'Realising Change' and 'Views on Vipassana' which capture Vipassana in action by featuring accounts of practitioners leading everyday lives, are ideal companion volumes with this book.