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founded by S. N. Goenka in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin






Introduction to Anapana Meditation - for Children

VRI is conducting online introductory sessions on Anapana Meditation for children. The sessions are held once a week on Sunday in Hindi. The sessions start at 5.30 PM , Indian Standard Time (+5.30 GMT).

These sessions are open to children over 8 years of age.

The sessions are conducted using Zoom, so you may need to install the Zoom app on your phone. At the scheduled time please click on the link below to join the session.

The Joining link and password is common for all sessions. If you are joining from a mobile device, the Zoom app will ask you to enter the Meeting ID and password as given below.

All the sessions are the same, you are welcome to attend any of the sessions or more than one session.


Joining information for Anapana for Children  

Event : Sunday 5.30 PM India Time (+5.30 GMT)  Language of instructions will be Hindi
Joining Link: https://zoom.us/j/95637472463?pwd=S3ZnUGFYZXNaMU9Ea3ZxOVJNUTFPQT09

Meeting ID: 956 3747 2463
Event Password: 12345


VRI is a non-profit organization funded by donations.There are no charges for these Anapana sessions by VRI.
For more information on Children courses, please visit https://www.vridhamma.org/Children-Courses