As the health sector staff in the department of Maharashtra is under continuous work pressure which is leading to high degree of stress, the request had come to conduct stress management and Vipassana seminars for their staff.
VRI organised several online and offline seminars for their administrative staff, doctors etc.
VRI also took Anapana meditation sessions for their grass root staff such as Asha workers all over Maharashtra on Asha day . More than 50,000 workers participated and benefited from it and such sessions were organised every year on ASHA day.
Such sessions are also organised on Yuva day for college students focusing on the message on addiction with the support of the health department.
Also, Anapana sessions are conducted in several mental hospitals for the staff and the patients. AYUSH, DMHP (district mental health program) staff were also trained in Anapana meditation.
Such experiments were tried for the patients admitted in Covid centres which showed positive effects. The research is going on about the same.
Dental surgeons were trained in Anapana and its use for de-addiction.
Some experiments are also tried with relatives of patients waiting outside the ICU. Practice of Anapana reduced a considerable degree of stress on them, which itself reflected by reducing pressure over the staff and doctors working in ICU.
An experiment in primary health center, the basic unit of health services, where the Doctor taught Anapana meditation to his staff and also to the patients showed interesting results. Even though the workload was creating stress over the staff, they were more compassionate with the patients, creating an atmosphere of cordial harmony which is the necessity of today!